
[UNI FM96.7] Enspyre CEO Elias Ek-Taiwan Entrepreneur


The program “100 Innovators”, jointly produced by Ideas Magazine and FM 96.7, was jointly developed by the IDC and focused on the entrepreneurial experience and the idea of ​​discovering innovation.

In the program on May 14th, 2013, Elias Ek, the general manager of Enspyre, was invited to share with you 13 years of entrepreneurial experience in Taiwan. In the program, Elias not only shared the story of his struggle, but also talked about the current efforts to help more foreigners who want to start a business in Taiwan; for example, his book How to Start a Business in Taiwan.



Opening the Door to Global Markets: B2B Opportunities and Resources through International Chambers of Commerce

Opening the Door to Global Markets: B2B Opportunities and Resources through International Chambers of Commerce

Taiwanese companies looking to expand globally can benefit from joining international chambers of commerce. These organizations provide networking opportunities, market intelligence, and regulatory insights, helping businesses establish overseas partnerships and reduce risks. Learn how AmCham, ECCT, French Chamber Taiwan, and SwedCham empower Taiwanese startups and SMEs for international success.