eBoss magazine asks Enspyre President Elias Ek to give some advice to a budding entrepreneur.See the complete article below (Chinese only). 今年31歲的李先生,他想在北部都會區開一家服飾精品店,開店預算30萬元,希望店面租金範圍2萬元至2.5萬元,店址最好是位在大馬路邊,店面坪數約8坪,預期未來所銷售的主力商品單價630元,毛利約50%。 eBoss...
[Cheers Magazine] Interviews Enspyre CEO
A customer service department is often the first interaction point a customer has with a company. However, the staff of the customer service department often has no power to make decisions which can be frustrating for the employees. One way forward is to outsource...
[Economic Daily] Enspyre Entrepreneur Challenge
Economic Daily writes about Enspyre and their event Enspyre Entrepreneur Challenge that they organize to encourage young people to try out entrepreneurship.
[China Times Express] Discuss Business with Enspyre
China Times Express writes about Enspyre and the Enspyre Entrepreneur Challenge event organized by Enspyre to encourage people to try out if starting a business might be for them.
[ETFM89.3] Radio Show Invite Enspyre to Discuss Telemarketing
ETFM Network 89.3 News Show Program ETFM interviewed Enspyre on the topic of "telephone marketing". The interview mentioned the diversification of the telemarketing service industry: including the diversified services of traditional industries...
[Taipei Times] Take the plunge: How to become an entrepreneur
[Taipei Times] TAIWAN-BASED BUSINESS: Foreigners here generally say that the environment is conducive to starting up a business; just don't expect much help from the banks By Graham Norris CONTRIBUTING REPORTER While representing a Dutch industrial design company in...
![[China Times] Foreigners jump on the business wagon in Taiwan](https://www.enspyre.com/wp-content/uploads/2005/03/pexels-luis-quintero-2833037-1080x675.jpg)
[China Times] Foreigners jump on the business wagon in Taiwan
Taiwanese love entrepreneurship and foreigners who have lived in Taiwan for a long time have recently set off a wave of entrepreneurship. Despite the language and cultural barriers and the restrictions imposed on foreigners many foreigners are still eager to enter the...
[China Times Express] New Ideas For Ecommerce
China Times Express reports on new ideas for online auction companies, among them to work with a company liked Enspyre for answering customer calls. 上網拍賣不再只是網客族專利,愈來愈多的企業利用「拍賣網站」獲取商機。不過除了把有形物品拿來拍賣外,無形服務也有人在賣嘍,網路拍賣平台可以為台灣的企業或是SoHo族、企業經營者,成為另一個販賣服務或產品的好地方。...
[Economy Daily] Enspyre Can Be Trusted
Economic Daily writes in a special report on data Safety and Security that Enspyre has safe and secure systems that keeps and protects data
[Economic Daily] Enspyre Provides Professional Telemarketing Services
[Economic Daily] reports on Enspyre and their professional telemarketing services.