Discover the finalists of Dragons’ Chamber 2024, showcasing innovative B2B startups led by immigrant entrepreneurs in Taiwan. Learn about their groundbreaking technologies and how Enspyre supports Taiwan’s startup ecosystem.
Unlocking Growth: Bridging the gap between Sustainability and Business Opportunity.
Enspyre with 20+ years of experience, we specialize in lead generation and connecting businesses with green opportunities. From industry giants to startups, we help clients achieve their objectives.
Make good use of government funds
Make good use of government funds 台灣創業風氣一年比年一年盛行,不少企業主管與年輕人為了一圓夢想,紛紛投入頭家行列。可是在僧多粥少的市場環境裡,有約50%的企業都在創業的第一年就慘遭淘汰。為求在激烈的競爭中脫穎而出, 中小企業除了靠本身的努力之外,更該學會活用資源,減輕資金、管理等方面的負擔。 由於中小企業佔...
Entrepreneurship – the cost of setting up an office
Like starting a business wasn't hard enough, getting your first office started costs a fortune. But it helps to take advice from someone who has set up an office before. Every new business owner inevitably marvels at how many things it takes to keep an office going:...
Hidden words in speech of former Google CEO
What is the view of Taiwan’s former Google CEO Eric Smith’s public speech in Taiwan (Taipei) about Taiwan’s current situation and future development? It’s awkward, and everyone’s perception seems to be different. Well-known media platform TechOrange's reporter Jeremy...
How to respond during the interview?
When the Lunar New Year is over, people who are unemployed or ready to start something new will start to find new jobs and many companies will also start interviewing new recruits. An interview has a lot of questions so it is necessary to prepare well in advance. Why...