

A non-profit organization stabilizes donor revenues through “donor relationship management”

A non-profit organization stabilizes donor revenues through “donor relationship management”

It costs 4 to 7 times more to develop new donors than to get an old donor to donate again. Enspyre helped an animal shelter develop and execute a 2-step strategy for Donor Relationship Management (DRM) to find the most appropriate communication methods, frequencies and channels to establish long-term relationships with donors. Learn how Enspyre used its experience in assisting major IT companies with customer relationship management (CRM) to help PACK build repeat donations.

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Customer Thank You Letters

Customer Thank You Letters 顧客感謝信函 <#由顧客寄來的感謝信 鼓舞員工的妙用 公關表揚顧客來函,使員工感到備受表揚的美好感受。利用群體力量,讓一件不起眼的小事,發揮數倍的力量。例如美國一個日用品公司-「人生真美好」(Life is good,Lig)日用品製造公司,由公司初成立至今,他們收到成千上萬的顧客感謝函,告訴他們雖然自己生病了或剛失去家人,卻受到公司的安慰和鼓勵。...

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Customer Relationship Management Increases Satisfaction

Customer Relationship Management Increases Satisfaction

Customer Relationship Management Increases Satisfaction 顧客關係管理,讓您的顧客更滿意、更方便! 「客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)」是繼網際網路風潮後,再一次成為全世界企業主所共同關切的熱門話題;特別是在景氣走向低迷,企業競爭力與獲利能力受到極大挑戰,「客戶關係」這個企業講求生存最基本的管理問題,遂成為最重要的挑戰。 有一個值得深思的問題是:「什麼才是最好的客戶關係管理?」...

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Win Invisible Influence of Customers

Win Invisible Influence of Customers

While companies are constantly pursuing self-renewal and better products and services, have you also noticed the invisible influence of services? One of my favorite examples is the hosting and cloud computing company Rackspace, where an employee was using the phone to...

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7 key points of CRM

In 2009, both B2C and B2B companies experienced the test of sales decreases. Although the economy is slowly recovering in 2010, no one feels safe and the economic crisis will happen again. Enterprises should re-examine their customer relationship management and work...

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