
Corporate Knowledge

Seven Tax Tips for Freelancers

Seven Tax Tips for Freelancers 根據國外專欄文章提到--時下許多專業人士都由全職轉為自由業者,此風被戲稱為「gig經濟」。假使你也是此風氣的推崇者,在今年四月十七日報稅截止之前,需要比只有W-2表單的辦公室同事做更多申報。自由接案接踵而來的是一套全新的報稅系統和疑難雜症,不論是初次申報或是累積多年經驗的創業家,都必須謹慎面對。這裡要告訴你:還是有很多方式可以大筆減縮你繳納的稅金。 做為一個獨資業者(sole...

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Google Remarketing

Google Remarketing

What is Google's Remarketing? Remarketing is the function of displaying advertisements to people who has already visited your website, some social media property or interacted with you in some other way. Through remarketing, companies can reach and adjust advertising...

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What is great service?

What is great service?

To identify great service, let's think about our purchase processes. Do you remember the best service you have ever experienced in a store? Was it because the sales person who serviced you were particularly polite? Or that you were treated with a smile? Did the person...

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Setting Up an Office

Setting Up an Office

Like starting a business wasn't hard enough, getting your first office started costs a fortune. But it helps to take advice from someone who has set up an office before. Every new business owner inevitably marvels at how many things it takes to keep an office going:...

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