B2B vs B2C 有什麼不同?

Difference between B2B and B2C

B2B vs B2C 有什麼不同?

B2B is a business-to-business model. It refers to a company that sells its goods or services to another company. It covers everything from factory machinery and equipment to office stationery.

B2C on the other hand is the so-called business-to-consumer model, usually general consumer products such as cosmetics counters in department stores, or clothing stores in shopping districts, all of which are mainly consumers. They usually receive cash or credit cards from customers, and B2B is more often based on bank transfers.

B2B marketing features
The process of first purchase is usually long and complicated, and sometimes it may take a long time to educate customers about the characteristics and necessity of the products and services because the price is high, the purchasing processes are long, and several people taking part in the decision. More often than not, the business will also spend more time building relationships.

B2C marketing features
Compared with B2B products, decision-makers and decision-making processes are shorter and a large number of single decision-makers. Emotional appeals are common.

The buyer’s difference
Buyers of B2B are mostly purchasers or supervisors of the company. Such buyers have a fairly good understanding of the products. The main considerations of the purchases is that it increases the profits of the company. Therefore, they test the products beforehand, and make sure they understand their requirements very clearly. Price is one of the main considerations because it is now relatively easy to compare prices or quality with other brands, so building brand loyalty for customers is the first consideration.

B2B and B2C are quite different as it relates to their markets. The feasible marketing policies in B2C are not necessarily feasible in B2B. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the difference in the target market and decide the marketing policy.


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A non-profit organization stabilizes donor revenues through “donor relationship management”

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