安石國際贈予「台灣才能心智 Abled Minds Taiwan」 書籍《 How to Start a Business in Taiwan 》 ,支持勇敢追夢的身障學生踏上創業之路

Can Disabled people become entrepreneurs? Meet Abled Minds Taiwan

安石國際贈予「台灣才能心智 Abled Minds Taiwan」 書籍《 How to Start a Business in Taiwan 》 ,支持勇敢追夢的身障學生踏上創業之路

Meeting with Andrew Klerck and Charles, whose organization Abled Minds Taiwan is a social benefit organization that empowers physically disabled people to become successful entrepreneurs.


Enspyre donated books《 How to Start a Business in Taiwan 》to Abled Minds Taiwan to support empowering physically disabled people become entrepreneurs.


Last afternoon, Enspyre had a great talk with Andrew Klerck, the founder of Abled Minds Taiwan.

We were so inspired by Andrew’s amazing ideas and passion for his organization committed to providing entrepreneur mentor ship for physically disabled students.

To support this cause, Enspyre donated 12 copies of our books《 How to Start a Business in Taiwan 》and look forward to engaging more on this meaningful cause.


Learn more about Abled Minds Taiwanhttps://www.facebook.com/AbledMindsTaiwan/



Opening the Door to Global Markets: B2B Opportunities and Resources through International Chambers of Commerce

Opening the Door to Global Markets: B2B Opportunities and Resources through International Chambers of Commerce

Taiwanese companies looking to expand globally can benefit from joining international chambers of commerce. These organizations provide networking opportunities, market intelligence, and regulatory insights, helping businesses establish overseas partnerships and reduce risks. Learn how AmCham, ECCT, French Chamber Taiwan, and SwedCham empower Taiwanese startups and SMEs for international success.